why do so many people hate Americans? (352, permasaged)

289 Name: Citizen : 2006-12-11 15:47 ID:a+L9bYjk

Let's get one thing straight; I don't like my president. I never have, and I never will. And another thing; I am primarily secular. Muslims are predisposed to violence, because it is sanctioned not just by their holy books, Al-Qu'Ran and the Hadith, but also because of their religious leaders. The reason Christians are tamer is due to the fact that their religious leaders use the gospel as the primary theological authority, not the Old Testament (which is almost as bad as the Qu'ran).
Do I have any Idea how "muslim" he is? No, not really. However, I do recognize that his religion will get him in trouble in the West, because, frankly, his religion (in its purest form) is largely incompatible with western culture, morally and even economically. That is what I am saying. We should not accomodate them, they should accomodate us.

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