What is difference between Canada and US.? (102)

88 Name: Citizen : 2007-07-17 06:21 ID:rE6u0xVn

"Their political ideals are based on the ideas that government intervention is a bad thing by default, social services are evil, and that humans and corporations can be trusted to regulate themselves."

I cannot fathom living under the delusion, no not just delusion - but the massive ignorance of all historical precedent to believe that, somehow, giving any group power would result in anything but that group becoming the governance of that power.

The OP also ends with an excellent point; Libertarian's have essentially already ruled this (and many other) countries. Lessaiz'Faire (Spelling?) economics fell apart all by itself. The Libertarians champion concept of "Social Darwinism" has already sorted out their kind.

The fact is that the creation of an incompetent, affluent class created the Great Depression and only the Wartime, Government Hand-holding economy brought it back.

We never looked back, because it (Libertarianism as you fad-politik people call it) was an inferior idea.

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