The American Dream (15)

11 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-08 21:27 ID:Heaven


Wins to an extent.

As someone who was born and still lives in the U.S. (although I do wish to get out ASAP), I can say that this so-called "American dream" is merely a propaganda tactic -- some kind of idea that things are more different (and, heh, "more better" [sic, grammar nazis]) in the U.S. than they are anywhere else. Evidently, this is wrong.

However, the idea works -- people keep churning out kids and working in their mundane jobs, dying unsatisfied... all in the name of liberty, shitty beer, and big tits.

The U.S. is a country incredibly overrated by its own citizenry. Honestly, I have no clue why so many people in my age group would want to stay here.

But, to return to the point... the American Dream does exist... but merely as an idea, and a horrible one at that; it's essentially turning a blind eye to the future, because, hey, we're all gonna end up going to heaven anyway, right?

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