I Can't Stand Any of You (20)

4 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-13 01:46 ID:L/lbrfBq


Look around at your "Glorious America".

Your kids can't read or do math at a competant level. Most of them actually can't find Iraq on a map. The gap between rich and poor is larger than it's ever been, CEOs now make several hundred times the amount they pay to the average worker. The middle class is shrinking. The once great American Millitary can't handle a few poorly equipped insurgents building bombs in their homes. We're in debt, not only at the federal government, but many Americans have consumer debts as well. More people voted on American Idol than vote in national elections. In fact, most people know more about entertainment news than even national news, let alone international affairs. We've gotten to the point where actual elected congressmen are choosing to debate War in Iraq based on "Klingons in the White House". Is this the Great America that intends to outlast Europe?

I doubt the next superpower will be Europe. I'm actually expecting a pan-Asian power to be next. But repent O America. Maybe even read a book or two.

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