Sites blocked in Bahrain (3)

1 Name: Citizen : 2009-07-01 15:02 ID:DNVIi5AH

Most of you have heard of the site blockings in Bahrain. At first you'd think this was just a banning of political websites that nobody visited, but you'd be wrong. The Ministry that commanded the blockings was the Ministry of CULTURE and Information. They are using the "pornography excuse" in an attempt to prove that they are protecting this island's crappy cultural significance. In fact, 4-chan, Encyclopedia Dramatica, and Shiite website) have all been blocked. This was the second broken promise by the ministry. They said that they were "promoting the freedom of speech", but they are blocking websites that contain nothing BUT freedom of speech! This was a most stupid decision to hand on the task of blocking to a culture ministry. I am a Shiite myself, and I am sick of the governments discrimination of Shiites. This site itself may be blocked WHOLE just for this one comment. I don't believe in Bahrain anymore.

2 Name: Citizen : 2009-12-25 14:28 ID:wgRXnPC3

>>I don't believe in Bahrain anymore.

It's really sad to realize the futiling of your dreams.
But it is reality.
I feel you man. I am in the same position.

3 Name: Citizen : 2010-01-01 07:57 ID:Heaven

That's terrible. Give it time, the western world will soon face similar censorship. Have you heard about the censorship plan going on in Australia? It's quite similar to how the system you described in your country.

But, I don't suffer from any censorship, myself. Of course I'm still concerned about it. I just couldn't imagine, really.

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