Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

606 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-12 19:57 ID:kYaIUqng

>>602 It's harsh but true. It's his first US award nom. And it's been a bit dry for other 'major' award noms/wins: Olivier in 2008, ES in 2014. He's just not doing the work that get serious award noms/winds. Twitter was alive with congrats for his recent TV Choice award, but talk about nothing to write home about!

Shame this nom was sullied by the summer's shenanigans. An 'I <3 TS' wife-beater and Emmy nom should be mutually exclusive.

I wonder now if he'll go. The spa visit could be in preparation for it. He may have been coy before because he didn't want to answer questions about who his date would be, knowing full well that the relationship with TS had a pre-determined end date.

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