Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

801 Name: Anon. : 2016-09-20 21:25 ID:kYaIUqng

Um, not to throw a spanner in, but I'm not sold on Mystery Man being the guy mentioned in >>780.

Mystery Man in the capture from last night has got some pretty sticky-out ears. Authentic Talent guy doesn't.

806 Name: NewAnon : 2016-09-20 23:55 ID:axsU/GEJ

>>801 Yeah, I'm with you. Mystery Man is not this guy either. I was watching some clips of Tom at Emmy's and arriving at the after parties, and Mystery Man is an entirely different guy. I still think he's a junior manager that Rubinstein has tasked with babysitting Tom for the time being so he can fly everywhere with him. But otherwise Jon Rubinstein is Tom's official main manager it seems since it's his name that shows up when you look up info on Team Tom.

807 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-21 00:12 ID:QiO4jB4b

>>801,806 Hmm Mystery Man is perplexing.
He seems to be a man who's very comfortable with his shameful beard whereas both men we have considered prefer to be cleanshaven.
I'm going to look in hairier pastures from now on.
>>804 As much of a luddite he seems to be, TH would have been subjected to barrages of emojis through our darling JArthy and friends. They replace as many words with pictures as humanly possible.

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