Tom Hiddleston (Lucky 13) (1000)

944 Name: Anonon : 2016-09-27 08:23 ID:OSrGtg9Y

>>942 Bahahaha how I love thirdhand advice from a woman who has never worked on a high fashion shoot with a celebrity, let alone any facet of the industry.
To be honest, my house looks a lot like the Gucci set, it's an aesthetic I adore but I'm a woman with an eccentric and eclectic wardrobe and a lot of male friends who dress like this ad. TH, as we all know, lives in a rather modest house wearing the same dour clothes every day. It's incongruous enough to warrant hearty chuckles.
If I were to sum up this shoot in two words it would be 'twee' and 'twinky'. Two words TH had quite distanced himself from with TayTo and not at all how I would describe Bond. Gucci is the brand du jour though so this will do him no harm amongst fashionistas but he's going to have to work overtime to recoup any inkling of testosterone driven macho manliness to regain any favour with everyday men (and ladies).
It would have been so much safer to advertise a watch. He could have used his favorite ham fist pose.

I'm perplexed by "especially Luke"... Que?

945 Name: Whatsinaname : 2016-09-27 10:06 ID:/dRQNS9U

>>944 Blaming Luke for bad choices in TH's life (starting in May)? Doesn't make sense, because neither one of them got to pick the clothes. But no Berlinale, I won't stop thinking that bad choices have been made as of late by a certain publicist.

946 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-09-27 10:44 ID:Heaven

>>942 pffft I'm not laughing at the clothes, I'm laughing at his terrible execution as model. I worked in fashion, do people think that models dress like they do on the catwalk? They do not, but it's their job to make clothes interesting when they wear them. The photoshoot looks ridiculous because TH doesn't have the features and charisma for it and because of what he did this summer, how he dresses every day is beyond the point. In every day talk he hardly speaks like in a Shakespearian play, would that be a good excuse not to play a Shakespearian character well? No.

Did his stans really think that just because he presented an award at the Emmys the whole world would forget about TayTo? It's going to take a while for the general public to forget, because outside his fans, the rest of the world only knows him for Loki and Swift.

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