Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

196 Name: Anon. : 2016-11-01 15:36 ID:Za6/Zd61

>>194 Ha! @ the 'I give up.'
>>195 Double Ha! @ the 'I doubt he is suicidal.'

I guess this could be a continuation of the showmance narrative. We already suspect that she sent her plane cross country to make it look like he travelled to see her for roughly 48 hours in August. I didn't want to believe that he faked getting on and off that plane but I just don't know. I really don't know.

So now she sends her plane to London and back to start the rumor that the greatest love of all time is being reborn. She knows her fans will automatically think that's what is happening. And the hive will start to buzz and get it out to the media, which is exactly what's happened.

It doesn't even need to actually be happening; it just needs to appear like it is.

it makes my head hurt.

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