Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

277 Name: Anon. : 2016-11-24 12:59 ID:WQK6sORk

I just handed our tiny, snooze-button-less alarm clock off to my husband and told him that I needed to go offer season's greetings to my internet girlfriends. His response: you have internet girlfriends? Oh, if he only knew about the internet boyfriend!

>>274,275 Agreed and agreed. Which means this fandom ship will always sail rough and strange waters. What will the next summer hold!

I know most on this board won't be gorging themselves on turkey, mash and dressing today. I still wanted to wish everyone a happy Thanksgiving. Especially since I am thankful for this board (awwwww) and its ability to see through bullshit, crazy and manufactured fuckery (less awwww) and call out the peddlers of those.

So Happy Thanksgiving all.

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