Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

3 Name: Anon : 2016-09-28 18:14 ID:1IVzbkeo

It's all solid gold but he says this of the photoshoot:

"And here’s more pictures from Tom’s Interview spread of him looking like a leather daddy dom who’s about as threatening as a bunny in a bonnet and whose idea of rough play is tickling your sides until you say the safe phrase, “Remember you wore that tank top?” That’ll make Tom immediately stop tickling you because he’d need his hands to lay his face on as he silent weeps."

And this of the interview:

"Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston licking each other’s crumpet holes while talking about the business of movie making is even less thrilling and riveting than an interview between wet paint and the wall it’s drying on....

So B. Cums pretty much brought up Taylor Swift while saying that he’s not going to bring up Taylor Swift and those unsolicited Rhode Island pictures. Okay, but what I really want to know is, does the word “unsolicited” mean something different on the Alien Lizard King’s home planet? Because on earth, it means “not asked for; given or done voluntarily” and doesn’t mean, “planned, story-boarded, choreographed and rehearsed with and by a team of publicists, body language experts and art directors.”

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