Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

404 Name: Couch Potato : 2016-12-21 18:33 ID:Heaven

>>401,402 Admittedly the list has Avengers characters plus Brolin for Thanos. So either Thanos is the only villain for both films - the article says the filming will occur over the whole 2017 because both parts will be filmed together - or other villains are being kept a secret, at least for now since Marvel isn't really one for secrets.

I do agree that Loki is more likely to appear than not, but Thor 3 will be largely about Thor and Hulk, I doubt Marvel is waiting on Thor 3 to decide about Loki.

I maintain that filming for Infinity Wars isn't what is keeping TH from new jobs, many of the actors in that list will also be busy with IW but they have already announced future works.

So I don't know, maybe Hollywood is waiting for Skull before investing money on TS's latest bf. Maybe he's writing his debut script as director "I know what I did last summer"
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