Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

638 Name: Couch Potato : 2017-02-07 12:53 ID:Heaven

Do you remember when a couple of months ago we read about TH and Hard Boiled

and we laughed about the idea? (we weren't the only ones

Turns out that's it wasn't just talk

"Speaking of, what’s up next from you? There are several projects rumored…
Yeah, there’s [monster movie] “Freakshift” which we’re still trying to make — probably, hopefully shooting that in June. And I’m writing stuff for Warners at the moment for “Hard Boiled,” the Frank Miller adaptation.

And is that still due to star Tom Hiddleston?
Yes it is. And then “Wages of Fear” is bouncing around too."

639 Name: Anon. : 2017-02-07 21:22 ID:7uhrB/pp

>>638 I know nothing about Hard Boiled except that this title does not describe all. Also I think I've worked out his process for 'picking' a project:

  1. Will it get me an Oscar nomination?
  2. Will it get me James Bond?
  3. Is it with a well-known director I can later humblebrag about working with?
  4. Will I get to be the 'leading man?' (Okay, I misspelled 'leading' and it autocorrected to 'balding' - the irony!)
  5. Is the character the absolute opposite of me in every way because then...ACTING...and I get to show my range...and win an Oscar?

Going by what others are saying about the material, I think he's going with a combo of 4 and 5 (without the Oscar bit) for this one. Maybe some 2 thrown in because this sounds action-packed and ultra-violent...just like a modern day James Bond...coincidence?

I don't pretend to know how acting works but there's something to be said about sticking close to the shoreline in every profession. Highlighting natural abilities and affiliations seems a far easier and better course.

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