Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

84 Name: Anonon : 2016-10-09 10:50 ID:562x4jMv

>>80,81 Thankyou both for correcting my lazy references. I was on my phone while supposed to be working and couldn't be specific.

I gather TS has now flown the coup and sadly I doubt either of their management teams would ever allow another splendidly candid TayTo dinner.

Pickups are common. Pickups are little scene fillers whereas reshoots are either to create new entire scenes or literally reshoot scenes that didn't work. They are a pain in the arse. You need to reassemble all the cast and match their bloody hairstyles somehow while not destroying their hairstyles from their current project and dig out all the wardrobe and sets from storage. It's a nightmare for continuity.
Basically every director wants this luxury but most have blown the budget. A lot of big budget films schedule reshoots from the onset (that's probably the case here, where you need to coordinate a busy international cast) and everyone hopes and prays they don't cash in on it. They become worrisome when entire plotlines shift or new characters are created- that's when you know whatever was in the bag was a stinker.
Without knowing the extent of these reshoots its hard to say if it's a sign of it being Shit Island. It's a sure sign of a luxurious budget and a less than perfect film though.

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