Tom Hiddleston (14) (1000)

886 Name: Anonon : 2017-02-18 14:26 ID:9XOTNeyP

>>883 I've had access to a free bar tonight so I'm beyond tipsy but my job is hair on film (well one of my jobs). Either they fixed it with a hairpiece (most likely) or as that still you linked to exemplifies, they photoshopped the shit out of his hairline for the publicity stills. It also looks like they sprayed his baby hairline darker (hello a product shamefully called "Good Looking Hair Spray". There are other sprays on the market, and that one is mostly used for spraying dirt effects, but occasionally we actually use it to cover bald spots.
Looking at his appearances of late, his hairline is noticeably not noticeable. Aside from the GQ shoot (which is odd- usually in fashion shoots they photoshop extra hair, especially for the cover), he has looked decidedly different. His hairline is finally 'fixed' in my opinion, whether it be with temporary glue- in plug or a permanent weave.

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