Tom Hiddleston (1000)

712 Name: Sosorry : 2017-07-23 18:23 ID:tW8pBDat

>>710 Yes! His hair looks so much better when it is longer on the sides, and on the top. He didn't even get Urbanati to style a new fashion options for him! Back navy sweaters and j brand jeans! People are debating whether Tom is sick, or tired, or bored since he has bags under his eyes. Maybe Marvel wanted Tom do do fewer press photos b/c they want to realize the audience's expectations about the plot and focus more on Thor as the humorous hero, and Cate as the villain of this chapter of the saga, rather than allowing Loki madness to ensue. I am so thrilled that there was a TS sighting article in the DM w/o a single mention of Tom at all! Hooray! If Tom announces a Shakespearean project for HBO (either Much Ado or Hamlet), to seize an Emmy award, my personal entertainment world will be utopic!

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