Tom Hiddleston (1000)

782 Name: Sosorry : 2017-08-03 19:51 ID:tW8pBDat

>>779 Elle magazine confines to turn from Tom. Wow. But Ben Whishaw has never been an Internet bf! He's an astounding actor, but he's always been way too private, and now he happens to be married to a man. And nor is Jude Law, who got married and had kids very young and is too busy with his career and being a ladies man/slut puppy to be anyone's Internet bf. That's a stretch. Nor did Oscar Isaacs systematically and purposefully attempt to entertain fan girls with his online presence. Hamlet is a play that the the all male actors want to play, and that whole general public knows the title of and probably read in school, so producers will always get their money back if they stunt cast it.

786 Name: Heynon : 2017-08-04 02:21 ID:vcHuIQwy

>>782 Not that Elle's good opinion is a big loss for him (in my opinion), but it is a 180 turn from how they treated him earlier in his career. It will be fascinating to see if his Hamlet regains him any favor, especially with the serious press. Will the Guardian ever forgive him?

>>784 Taffy has absolutely worked that GQ article and the "mystery brunette" pap shots for all they're worth. And she ended up working for the NY Times. Maybe she should have given Tom advice about his career rather than his love life!

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