<丶`∀´> kekeke (555)

59 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-05-04 21:04 ID:u9CxZWig

>>51 Just correct their grammar with a kopipe

                            Cheap imitations
         Anti-Japan    Fabrication       Ethnic Lobbyists
         racism    _   <⌒Y´ ̄ヽ ∧_/< ̄〉〉∧_∧
               γ´  `ヽ_`と.__   )< `∩( 《 <丶`∀´> 
                )) ,、 , > <、_,.ノ  ヽ、.__,ノ l  つ つ
               〈〈_/し∪V              ヽ.__ノ!__フフ
             ∧__∧       Uwaaa!!         ∧_∧ Weeehahaha!!!!!!
            <    >       ヽ(`Д´)ノ         <`∀´丶>
    Kidnappings (    つ        (  )         (つ  と) Demands for apology
             ヽ___ノj         / ヽ         〈へYへ〉 and compensation
               ∧__∧                 /´ ̄ヽ ̄
              <´   >           __   < __  > (
               と   ヽ〈 ̄>>∧_∧  /´ `Y⌒>VUVJ_〉
               <__ト、__丿 〉 》∩ _> (   .__つ´  Moonies
Interventions in internal affairs  ヽ、.__,ノ   ヽ、__,.>
                   Atrocious crimes   Illegal immigrants

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