[Applause]Everytime we finish a book we post here[Praise] (131)

1 Name: Bookworm : 2008-06-11 06:20 ID:CwXuimoY

This is a nice thread. Let's have a book edition.

I just read my first book by Haruki Murakami, "The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle". Murakami gets a lot of praise in these parts, and after reading this book, I can confirm that it isn't unfounded. The book to me felt a bit weaker towards the end, but I really liked hearing the stories of Nomonhan, Siberia, and such.

2 Name: Bookworm : 2008-06-11 20:13 ID:jX99DM0X

I just finished that today too! I totally agree btw.

3 Name: Bookworm : 2008-06-12 15:53 ID:aDIn5TI2

Just finished Man in Revolt by Albert Camus. I'm not so sure how I feel about it, but mostly I'm just upset that May 68 didn't take off and that Camus didn't live to see that last rebellion.

4 Name: Bookworm : 2008-06-14 14:17 ID:crjrQSGh

i just finished Eldest by Christopher Paolini. It was pretty good and I enjoyed it a lot more than the first book in the series Eragon

5 Name: Bookworm : 2008-06-18 01:44 ID:VJw0yF3I

Finished "The Quitter", MASTERPIECE!

6 Name: Bookworm : 2008-06-20 21:06 ID:Heaven


i kno, isnt it liek teh gr8est? i so totly cant wayt for the next book, Inheritence: return of the Jedi!!!! wat aboot u?

On a serious note, I just finished the kalevala. Woot for excellence and epic poetry at its finest.

7 Name: Bookworm : 2008-06-27 18:18 ID:Vgr9jO1B

Just finished The Scar by China Mieville and i have to say it was excellent really everyone should read at least one book from the bas-lag universe.

8 Name: Bookworm : 2008-06-27 20:38 ID:rgOmg/E9

TR: The Last Romantic by H. W. Brands

Fascinating picture of one of my favorite presidents. I thought it was very informative and I always love hearing about how badass TR was.

9 Name: Bookworm : 2008-07-01 08:15 ID:IszDTctc

Just finished Kakfa on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. After reading Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, Norweigian Wood, The Elephant Vanishes, and Hard-Boiled Wonderland it's all sort of blending together. This seemed like the weakest book of his I've read, but it might just be that they're all the same and I'm tired of them.

10 Name: Bookworm : 2008-07-09 22:52 ID:azg5UHyi

Just finished reading Apocalypse Culture II, edited by Adam Parfrey. And I heartily recommend it to all interested in material most companies would consider "unprintable" (the printers actually wouldn't print it without some small censoring of certain art pieces in the book)

11 Name: Bookworm : 2008-07-10 10:36 ID:omCyuOPN

Just finsihed "Der Chinese" by Henning Mankell.
What a great book. Recommend it for everyone interested in politics, history and crime.

12 Name: Bookworm : 2008-07-14 03:38 ID:NTN1wxv1

Just finished House of Leaves.

Still wondering what the big deal is about (though I will admit to being freaked at least once).

13 Name: Bookworm : 2008-07-15 14:51 ID:/gxipQfc

Ok, gets interested already....

14 Name: Bookworm : 2008-07-19 01:14 ID:omCyuOPN

>>11 again. I finished "The killing hour" by Paul Cleave today. The story was a little confusing and it was not as funny as "The Cleaner" but still had a lot of charme and - of course - guts and gore.
Paul Cleave is really becoming one of my favorite writers. Any recommendations what to read next?

15 Name: Bookworm : 2010-03-22 23:01 ID:eU0EIB6D

I just finished the Gunslinger by Stephen King, now working on The Drawing of the Three.

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