Hello, what do you think about our country?
Sukhoi SU-57 looks great! May I have it in black?
Su-57 is here | Russian 5th gen jet enters service by Yulia Shapovalova
Only 50 million USD each!
>grey apartment
If you live in any major city on East Coast USA, that's just normal. Consider yourself lucky if you don't have lead paint.
>The great, powerful state - it is that ideal for which the russian man is ready to suffer
stopped reading here
you're kind of assholes
Westerners on the other hand are spineless pussies that let both jews and niggers fuck them over.
You forgot to pull your bottle out of your anus.
You forgot to cut off your dick today. I'm not sure why it keeps regrowing like that, you need to talk to a doctor about that.
>noooo constant poverty and mutilations for badmouthing the policies of Vladimir Vladimirovich and Ramzan Akhmadovich are more preferable to niggers in movies and trannies saying stupid shit on twitter
iq level: ethanol boiling point
who the hell are you guys quoting?
Well this thread aged well lol.
You age too little, wilted beansprout! Lie under my flub and cry palmcake child! Guwharaglolololololo~!
anon......... russia is fucking great. it's the less disgusting country in da world, in my opinion obviously
better than america
I used to want to visit russia a lot, because i really like their scenery and wildlife, but now that they're going full on hitler mode, i guess i have no other choice but to pass
They make good Great Patriotic War films. I wonder if I'll ever live to see their depictions of the Second Great Patriotic War.
Putin's birthday present
Russians are some of the most insufferable people I've ever met.
With that said I Ukraines are a bunch of jew faggots so I hope they're pulverized.
With that said I hope Russia triggers nuclear war and the entire planet is destroyed and we all die.
rusia is a very beutifull country but putin is a fuckin iriot
Russia is a great country. Fuck America! Russians are nice and have good manners and their country is beautiful.
I don't support Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but I do agree that Russia had a right to go to war against Kiyv over disputes that stretch back to the 1990s. Ukraine's declaration of independence states clearly that Ukraine would be a neutral country, unaligned with any power bloc, including NATO or the EU. So Ukraine's movement towards the EU violated prior gaurantees to Russia. Since Russia's national security was threatened, and Russian language speakers in Ukraine punished, it had a right to go to war to protect it's own interests. There is a stronger argument in favor of war here than the US invasion of Iraq, which was a totally senseless decison with no strategic benefits outside of enriching a bunch of oil barons and cronies.
I love Putin. You know he loves doggies? He keeps and akita
Hitler also liked doggies. does that mean you love Hitler too?
i am a russian bot. i ahev a ushanka and i generate posts out of a database w/ my preloaded replies. if you dont
repost this comment on 10 other pages i will spawn in your thread and make a mess of the original topic
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Russians are usually huge assholes with a chip on their shoulder.
They're almost as bad as Canadians, South Koreans and spics.
Canadians and spics/wetbacks are the worse though, nothing comes close.
Hitler is the greatest political figure of the past 2,000 years.
The United States should have allied with Germany at the time to defeat the internationalist jews and communists, but unfortunately our country was completely compromised by jews and internationalists.
The US literally aided the communist jews in Russia, in fact they were in bed together blowing each other off.
Heil Hitler!
imagine if the US lost a war and the entirety of their economic and state stability due to fucking Mexico
pretty sure the kaiser is turning in his grave seeing a homosexual loving faggot as chancellor of germany. scholz is probably shoving bismarck's pickelhaube up his ass as we speak.
Russia is the greatest country on earth fck ameriKKKa and uKKKraine
Russians are white niggers. The whole net is full of russian paid trolls who says that russia is based and naive idiots on /pol don't even realise it.
Nobody likes russia
I view it is as a tragedy. It has never advanced beyond barbarism and oriental despotism though it always pretends the wear the dress of whatever advanced civilization or ideal is around (Roman Empire, Communism, etc).
What do you think about the US becoming a Russian ally?
Well you saw it coming. US is becoming Russia's best friend and russian in soul. Give it 10 years and Americans will say Russia has always been America's ally.
Russia is globohomo crypto colony larping as geopolitical pole. Scum needs carrots and sticks, ussr/Russia is the stick.