ITT, we ponder the previous post (187)

1 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4534 14:45 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ΘΘ @@@@@My mind is blank.
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @(,,ί„Dί) @@@@@Is that how it happened?
@@ @ @ @ @ @ QƒΣQ__Ό)__ @@@@I'm hungry.
@@ @ @ @ @ ^’U^ŽO^ ^| @@@ @Is Arby's still open?
@@@@@@@@|PPPPP|@ | @@@
@@@@@@@@|ˆω’ƒƒZƒbƒg@|^ @@@

38 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4541 21:44 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@i@₯ƒΦ₯j@@Déjà vu...

39 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4541 21:59 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@i@₯ƒΦ₯j@@I'm hungry.

40 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4542 01:07 [no]

I am too lazy to actually buy food.
@@@@@@@@ ƒά^R-A_Q_@@

41 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4545 11:29 [no]

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(MƒnL@ ) <
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

42 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4550 01:51 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@i@₯ƒΦ₯j@@That thread sucks.

@@@@@@@@ ƒά^R-A_Q_@@

43 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4550 02:34 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@i@₯ƒΦ₯j@@Why are we all so disparaging?

44 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4550 04:18 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@i@ί ƒŽίj@@I really like vanilla!

45 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4550 05:24 [no]

@@@@@ .„€„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„’„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£
@@ .„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£b
@@ .b„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£
@@ ._^
@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(ί„Dί,,@ ) < Dammit, this one isn't porn either.
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

46 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4550 13:12 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@i@ίƒΦ߁j@@The horror...

47 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4550 13:57 [no]

@@ @@@@@@ΘQΘ
@@@ @@@ ΌiO„DO)9‚@@What a pussy!
@@@@@ ^^/@@ /_/:::::/ @@@@@
@@@@@ |:::|/ΌRƒm|:::| ^v@
@@@ ^PP’UPPP^|@@ @@
@@^QQQQQQ^ | |@@@ @@
@@| |@@@@@@..| | @@@@

48 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4550 15:16 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@i@₯ƒΦ₯j@@When I was young, all I thought
@@@@@@@@@Q|@½^(QQ_ about was pussy.

49 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4550 15:26 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@@(άoά) Woh hoh hoh hoh

50 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4550 21:15 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@i@₯ƒΦ₯j@@What the hell was that??

51 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4550 21:47 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@i@₯ƒΦ₯j@@I hate double awakenings.

52 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4550 22:38 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@߁@@@Next time I wake up I'll
@@@@@@@@ ƒά^R-A_Q_@@assume I'm sleeping so
@@@@@@@^ƒ_/QQQQ^@@@I can wake up.

53 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 10:16 [no]

@@@@@@@@@@i O„DOj@@Ha, ha. It must suck to have sleep problems like that.

@@@@@@@@ ƒά^R-A_Q_@@


54 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4551 10:38 [no]

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(OΝO@) < How ironic!
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

55 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4552 02:14 [no]

@@@@@@ ƒ@^R-Aά_@@
@@@@@^ƒ_/QQQQ^ @

@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@>>54's laughter woke me up.
@@@@@@@< M„tΌRJ
@@@@@@@@/@@ @_ƒmάάR.
@@@@@(PΌl@@//ά@@ Ι
@@@@@@@ @ ΘQΘ@@||_@@_
@@@@@@@@ <”M„DL>.. ||@ |“ρ“ρ| Damn you, >>54,
@@@@@@@@@i@@‚‚@||^@@^@I demand compensation!

56 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4552 04:45 [no]

@@@@@@@@ @ .iL P Mi Do they even have the
@@@@@@@^άށRP›|@@Internet in Korea?
@@@@@@iζjG__(_))Q_l@@@That's so cuteτ
@@ Q|PP||_Ό(Ώ) _(i_
@^’U|\\||/^|Ύ@@ iΙ

57 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4552 09:44 [no]


@@@@@@@ @ΘQΘ@@@
@@@@@@ όi LΝM jό ƒ Tachikoma-chan!
@@@@@@@ _@@@ ^@@
@@@@@@@_^ QQ __
@@@@@@iQ^@@ _Qj
@@@@@@@@ @@‚Œ‚Œ‚Œ

58 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4552 21:31 [no]

@@@@@ .„€„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„’„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£
@@ .„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£b
@@ .b„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£
@@ ._^
@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(ί„Dί,,@ ) < Just another classic day in /dqn/!
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

59 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4553 02:35 [no]

@@@@@ .„€„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„’„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£
@@ .„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£b
@@ .b„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£
@@ ._^
@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(ί„Dί,,@ ) < Just another classic day in /dqn/!
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

60 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4553 03:23 [no]

(EΝE) Grandpa, can I ask you a question?

( LƒΦ`) Go ahead.

61 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4553 05:24 [no]

62 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4553 05:47 [no]

gurochan tripfags suck cock

63 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4553 13:15 [no]

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(EƒΦE@ ) < Those stupid /dis/ guys!
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

64 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4554 22:15 [no]

@@@_R( ߁Ήί)@@I want to punch them all!
@@@@@Ɂ@@@ / ^
@@@@ i@@ Θ Θ
@@Πƒw˜¦@ΏΝEG)> /did/
@@ (RQƒmT@Qƒm

65 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4554 23:29 [no]

@@@@@ .„€„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„’„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£
@@ .„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£b
@@ .b„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£
@@ ._^
@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(ί„Dί,,@ ) < Just another classic day in /dqn/!
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

66 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 00:17 [no]

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(EƒΦE@ ) < Where did he get that computer?
@|PP_ŽOΌ/PPP/@@@It looks an awful lot like this one.
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

67 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 01:23 [no]

@@@@ iM„DL@@j@@Damn it, I thought this thread would be good.
@@ Q|PP||QjQ@@SAGE
@^’U|\\||/^ ^|
@|PPPPP|P| . |

68 Name: Shii 1993-09-4555 01:34 [no]

@@@@ .„€„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„’„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£
@@@@@@@ .„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£b
@@@@@@@ .b„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£
@@@@@@@ ._^
@@ΘΘ@@@QQ@@What an angry person.
@|i ߁[߁j@@.|˜€@_@Doesn't he know that the Internet is just for fun?
@|i@½½@„ | IBM |

69 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 01:44 [no]

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(EƒΦE@ ) < No girls on this internet.
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

70 Name: Shii 1993-09-4555 02:18 [no]

@@ΘΘ@@@QQ@@I'm not a girl! I just play one on 2channel
@|i ί„D߁j@@.|˜€@_@
@|i@½½@„ | IBM |

71 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 05:44 [no]

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(EƒΦE@ ) < No girls on this internet.I wonder if >>70 would like to hook up with me
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

72 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 08:15 [no]

@@@@ΘΘ That was the best wet dream EVAR.

73 Name: Shii 1993-09-4555 08:22 [no]

@@ΘΘ@@@QQ@@Oh God, why do I imagine such awful things
@|i ߁[߁j@@.|˜€@_@
@|i@½½@„ | IBM |

74 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 08:53 [no]

@@@@@ .„€„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„’„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£
@@ .„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£b
@@ .b„‘„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ„£
@@ ._^
@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(ί„Dί,,@ ) < What a strange story!
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

75 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 09:40 [no]

> Navigation Return
> Board look Amber Blue Moon Futaba Headline Pseud0ch Toothpaste
> Spammers are not welcome here! at /srv/http/ line 296.
> Return
> - RSS feed + 4-ch home | rules + faq + donate + kareha -

76 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 09:56 [no]

y=°( L-`)@@ @ @@(ί„tί ) EEE
_^|@y |)@@@ @@(| y@|)

;y=°( L-`)-„¦„’@@(ί„tί ) ³Ο°
_^|@y..|) „€„£@@(| y@|)

@@ ( L-`)@ @ @;y=°(ί„tί )
@ @(|@y |)@@ @_^| y@|)

@@ ( L°`)@@ @;y=°(ί„tί )₯F*ζ.@ΐ°έ
@ @(|@y |)@@ @_^| y@|)

77 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4555 11:10 [no]

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(EƒΦE@ ) < Cheer up emo kid!
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

78 Name: Captain Obvious 1993-09-4557 14:48 [no]

@@@@ i߁Ν߁@@j@@< Why does Grandpa keep watching Dawson's
@@ Q|PP||QjQ@@ Creek?
@^’U|\\||/^ ^|
@|PPPPP|P| . |

79 Name: Captain Obvious : 1993-09-4565 13:56

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(LƒΦM@ ) < How dare someone who watches Lazytown
@|PP_ŽOΌ/PPP/@all day question my taste in TV???
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

80 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4641 18:26

@@ΘΘ@@@QQ@@How am I going to get my revenge on
@|@Π*ί-ί)@@.|˜€@_@that old bastard?
@|i@½½@„ | IBM |

81 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4641 19:12

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ΘΘ @@@@@
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @(,,ί„Dί) @@Why does she wish for revenge?
@@ @ @ @ @ @ QƒΣQ__Ό)__ @@@@
@@ @ @ @ @ ^’U^ŽO^ ^| @@@ @
@@@@@@@@|PPPPP|@ | @@@
@@@@@@@@|ˆω’ƒƒZƒbƒg@|^ @@@

82 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4647 13:45

@@@@ΘΘ Why can't I understand people's motivations?

83 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4647 15:46

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(EƒΦE@ ) < I'm watching you sleep.
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

84 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4647 18:48

@@@@@@@@@@i@ί„D߁j@@I sure hope nobody watches me sleep...

85 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4647 18:53

@@ΘΘ@@@QQ@@This sleeping webcam is kind of lame.
@|@Π*ί-ί)@@.|˜€@_@I hope I can UNSUBSCRIBE.
@|i@½½@„ | IBM |

86 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4647 19:06

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ΘΘ @@@@That's it!@
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @(,,ί„Dί) @@I will write a 900-page novel about
@@ @ @ @ @ @ QƒΣQ__Ό)__ @@@@WATCHMESLEEP.NET!
@@ @ @ @ @ ^’U^ŽO^ ^| @@@ Ingenious!
@@@@@@@@|PPPPP|@ | @@@
@@@@@@@@|ˆω’ƒƒZƒbƒg@|^ @@@

87 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4647 21:04

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(EƒΦE@ ) < I hope he manages 87, at least.
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

88 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4647 21:41

@@@@@@@@ ƒά^R-A_Q_@@



@@@@@@@@ ƒά^R-A_Q_@@

89 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4647 22:01

@@@@ i$Ν$@@j@@< I should turn WATCHMESLEEP.NET into a paysite. I'll make millions!
@@ Q|PP||QjQ@@
@^’U|\\||/^ ^|
@|PPPPP|P| . |

90 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4648 01:11

@@ΘΘ@@@QQ@@Why do I think that winter is going to register
@|@Π*ί-ί)@@.|˜€@_ and turn it into another becauseitswinter?
@|i@½½@„ | IBM |

91 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4648 01:53

@@@@@@@@@@i@ί„D߁j@@I just had the worst nightmare! I dreampt that
@@@@@@@@@Q|@½^(QQ_ winter was going to register!

92 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4648 04:43

@ iQQj@@@
@i QQ j@@@@
@i@EΝEj@ƒ@This'll make a great thread!
@i‚@@ ‚Β
@b b@|@@@@@

93 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4648 04:54

@@@@@@@@@@i@ί„D߁j@@OH GOD.

94 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4649 00:36

@@@@@@@@@@i@₯ƒΦ₯j@@Man, I really should ask my doctor to perscribe Ambien
I don't know whereI am or if i'm asleep, awake, or in Hell. I really shouldn't take so much cough medicine for use as a sleep aid.

95 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4649 01:12

@ @@Θ@Θ@@
@œc i EΝE j@>>94 needs a new lease on life!
@œc‚Ɓ@@@ ‚Β
@@œc‚ƁQj j
@@ @ @ ‚΅'

96 Name: Tripcode!uj/koSf.Zc : 1993-09-4649 01:28

@ @@Θ@Θ@@
@œc i EΝE j@Look at me! I'm a mermaid!
@œc@@‚@ ‚Β
@@ /____ /

97 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4651 20:48

@@@@@@@@@@i@₯ƒΦ₯j@@...did that dream mean I'm gay?

@@@@@@@@ ƒά^R-A_Q_@@eh, whatever.

98 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4651 20:53

@@@@@@@@ iL‚M@j@@ ƒShould I hold the presses?
@@@@@|Out Magazine |^

99 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4652 01:21

@@@@@@@@@@i@ί„D߁j@@OH GOD. Flashbacks of my journalism days!

100 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4652 02:00

@@@@ i߁Ν߁@@j@@100 get.
@@ Q|PP||QjQ@@
@^’U|\\||/^ ^|
@|PPPPP|P| . |

101 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4652 02:51

@@@@ i߁Ν߁@@j@@101 get! ...wait.
@@ Q|PP||QjQ@@
@^’U|\\||/^ ^|
@|PPPPP|P| . |

102 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4652 04:42

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ΘΘ @@@@@My mind is blank.
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @(,,ί„Dί) @@@@@Is that how it happened?
@@ @ @ @ @ @ QƒΣQ__Ό)__ @@@@I'm hungry.
@@ @ @ @ @ ^’U^ŽO^ ^| @@@ @Is Arby's still open?
@@@@@@@@|PPPPP|@ | @@@
@@@@@@@@|ˆω’ƒƒZƒbƒg@|^ @@

103 Name: My name is Squeeks and ... : 1993-09-4652 09:27

@@@@ @@@@@ ΘQΘQ___@@
@@@@QQ_@@iM„D L@,j //|@ No questions here.
@ @ <„Ÿ„Ÿ<@_Ό ‚Φ Ώj//| || @
@@ @_.@@_,>'iQji'''i~~,,,,/

104 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4656 01:01

@ @@Θ@Θ@@
@œc i EΝE j@That sort of thing happens when you know the answer is 42!
@œc@@‚@ ‚Β
@@ /____ /

105 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4656 04:10

@@@@ i߁Ν߁@@j@@Does that bun guy EVER think?
@@ Q|PP||QjQ@@
@^’U|\\||/^ ^|
@|PPPPP|P| . |

106 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4658 00:34

Ό“ρ“ρ“ρi OƒΦOj“ρ“ρ“ρ½ Clearly >>105 does not know about telepathic communication.

107 Name: Ό“ρ“ρ“ρi OƒΦOj“ρ“ρ“ρ½!DqnSUX774A : 1993-09-4658 01:37

@@@@ i߁Ν߁@@j@@Does that bun guy EVER think?
@@ Q|PP||QjQ@@
@^’U|\\||/^ ^|
@|PPPPP|P| . |

108 Name: Yay!J2sprLV9fQ!!JJYYs87i : 1993-09-4658 02:13

@ _ @Ώ
(@߁Νί)œc@Tits! Tits!

109 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4658 03:01


110 Name: My name is Ό“ρ“ρ“ρi OƒΦOj“ρ“ρ“ρ½ and...!XONm83jaIU : 1993-09-4658 03:18

@@@@ i߁Ν߁@@j@@Is he ever going to buy a new hearing aid?!?
@@ Q|PP||QjQ@@
@^’U|\\||/^ ^|
@|PPPPP|P| . |

111 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4658 03:31

@@@Ό“ρ“ρ“ρi@OƒΦOj“ρ½@When will he stop typing and
@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@come outside to play?
@@@@ @@@ i@Rƒm
@@@@@@@@ ƒm>ƒm@
@@@@ ŽO@@ƒŒƒŒ

112 Name: Tripcode!uj/koSf.Zc : 1993-09-4658 04:50

@ @@Θ@Θ@@
@œc i EΝE j@I'd LIKE to ponder the previous post, but
@œc@@‚@ ‚@@instead I'll just swim around with my ocean
@@@/@@@/@@@friends! Wheeee!!!
@@ /____ /

113 Name: My name is Ό“ρ“ρ“ρi OƒΦOj“ρ“ρ“ρ½ and...!XONm83jaIU : 1993-09-4658 06:17

@@@Ό“ρ“ρ“ρi@OƒΦOj“ρ½ I like to be@
@@@@@@@@|@@@ / @@ Under the sea
@@@@ @@@ i@Rƒm In an Octopuses garden in the shade!
@@@@@@@@ ƒm>ƒm@
@@@@ ŽO@@ƒŒƒŒ

114 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4745 14:28

@@ΘΘ@@@QQ@@It must be nearing lunchtime!
@|i ߁[߁j@@.|˜€@_@
@|i@½½@„ | IBM |

115 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4745 16:53

@@ΘΘ@@@QQ@@Internet, all the porn I'd ever hope to get!
@|i ߁[߁j@@.|˜€@_@
@|i@½½@„ | IBM |

116 Post deleted by moderator.

117 Post deleted by moderator.

118 Name: MODD!5JrU4QOlH6 : 1993-09-4745 18:23

Let >>116 and >>117 be a lesson to all.

119 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4745 18:54

@@@@ i߁Ν߁@@j@@What the fuck did he mean by that?!
@@ Q|PP||QjQ@@
@^’U|\\||/^ ^|
@|PPPPP|P| . |

120 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4745 19:51

@@@@ΘΘ Cats and dogs the same, never ask my name.

121 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4745 22:00

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(EƒΦE@ ) < Who the hell is that fool?
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

122 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4746 02:21

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(@EƒΦE ) < A good man Is hard to find. But a hard man is good to find.
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

123 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4746 02:33

@@ Q|PP||QjQ@@
@^’U|\\||/^ ^|
@|PPPPP|P| . |

124 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4746 15:25

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ΘΘ @@@@@What kind of gibberish is that?!
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @(,,ί„Dί) @@@@@
@@ @ @ @ @ @ QƒΣQ__Ό)__ @@@@
@@ @ @ @ @ ^’U^ŽO^ ^| @@@ @
@@@@@@@@|PPPPP|@ | @@@
@@@@@@@@|ˆω’ƒƒZƒbƒg@|^ @@@

125 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4746 17:00

@@@@ i߁Ν߁@@j@ NONE SHALL QUESTION AHYA
@@ Q|PP||QjQ@@
@^’U|\\||/^ ^|
@|PPPPP|P| . |

126 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4747 08:56

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ΘΘ @@@@@AHYA must be strong. AHYA could be weak. Is he squeeks?
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @(,,ί„Dί) @@@@@
@@ @ @ @ @ @ QƒΣQ__Ό)__ @@@@
@@ @ @ @ @ ^’U^ŽO^ ^| @@@ @
@@@@@@@@|PPPPP|@ | @@@
@@@@@@@@|ˆω’ƒƒZƒbƒg@|^ @

127 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4747 14:36


@@@-]]- A
!@ !@l|,.iΙl_Ɂj@Why do so many people focus on squeeks instead
i @˜§-]@|! i@@@of coffee? Don't they understand coffee runs the world?
_R .U@- Ιƒm@@
@@MMƒt@iL@@ @
@ @ / _ɁT
@@/__i |˜£!|

128 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4747 16:24

@@ΘΘ@@@QQ@@I wonder if she knows about mittens..
@|i ίƒŽίj@@.|˜€@_@
@|i@½½@„ | IBM |

129 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4747 16:25

@@ΘΘ@@@QQ@@I wonder what happened to my face before
@|i ί ƒŽίj@@.|˜€@_@
@|i@½½@„ | IBM |

130 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4747 16:29

@@@@@@@@ `````›````````
@@@/@@ ^|@@Why does everyone underestimate cheese?
@@ /@^ ₯ |@@We have power they cannot possibly fathom!
@@| E ^^@@

131 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4747 19:34

@@ΘΘ@@@QQ@@Is that why they're always lonely?
@|i ίƒŽίj@@.|˜€@_@
@|i@½½@„ | IBM |

132 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4747 19:38

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@BSleeping alone is like being cheese...
@@@@@@@@ ƒά^R-A_Q_@@

133 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4911 16:36

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||QQ|)(LƒΦ`@ ) < Why won't that lazy son of a bitch get a job?
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

134 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4911 16:46

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ΘΘ @@@@@Who the fuck
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @(,,ί„Dί) @@@@@bumped this thread?
@@ @ @ @ @ @ QƒΣQ__Ό)__ @@@@
@@ @ @ @ @ ^’U^ŽO^ ^| @@@ @
@@@@@@@@|PPPPP|@ | @@@
@@@@@@@@| Daily Poop |^ @

135 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4911 17:09

@/@||PP|| ΘQΘ@
@| @||Q „‹(`„DL„‹) < More importantly, WHY did they bump it?
@|@@@@|@( ./@@@@ /

136 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4911 18:27

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ΘΘ @@@@@
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @(,,ί„Dί) @@@How does he type with those hands?@@
@@ @ @ @ @ @ QƒΣQ__Ό)__ @@@@
@@ @ @ @ @ ^’U^ŽO^ ^| @@@ @
@@@@@@@@|PPPPP|@ | @@@
@@@@@@@@|ˆω’ƒƒZƒbƒg@|^ @@@

137 Name: ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃ : 1993-09-4911 19:10

@@ @@@`````›````````
@@ @@@@@@@B
@@ @@@@@ί
@@@@ _l
@@@ i@ @j
@@@i‚ց@ƒmj@@@@ How does he type with a pen?
@ Ri @L vM jƒm

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