( -) Hello, children!
i -܁j Smug, too.
i -܁j I'm a democrat!
i -܁j I was working on Orca for the Romney campaign, too.
i -܁jI voted 3rd party!
i -܁jI don't need "Text Art" to look good
i -܁jMy penis is larger than yours, therefore I am superior.
( -) I love how much better my life is than any of yours.
( -) You silly little people. You don't know how much you stink!
i -܁jMy car is bigger than your mom's car!
i -܁j I have Google Glass and I wear it everywhere!
( E-E) I hate you and your thread.
@ __
@i@ m߁j I'm not into the whole bumping random threads thing.
i -܁j I am.
( -) I let a guy know his password was showing.
( -) Then I told him to get out!
( -) That's what your mom said!
>(߃n)x Can I have a stupid failure of a thread now too?
( -) No, Luke. I am your fathead.
( -) I just farted the first three notes of Pachelbel's Canon!
( -) You should get an asterisk tattoo.
( E-E) Because I like Kurt Vonnegut?
( -) No, because you're an asshole.
( -) I am the best forced meme so I don't even need to bump my thread but I'm going to do it anyway. That is why I am called Smug Fathead.
( -) Like herpes, I will always be with you.
( -) I have a blue checkmark
( -) I am the store clerk who installed the protective cover on your phone with dust underneath it
( -) I am the guy who excuses bad media just because some chick in it is hot. Even worst girl. Especially worst girl.
( -) I don't have any insecurities or worries!
( ◡) I just thought of something really obscene.
( -) slime
( -) So sublime.
( -) I got the microwave, got the VCR. I got the deuce-deuce in the trunk of my car, oh yeah!
i got the jewels, got the diamonds. but when i open my eyes i can never find them
( -) I don't have COVID.
( -) I had COVID, so now I'm immune and don't need to get the jab.
( -) I didn't wake up and think, gI'm going to start the year with some merry capersh - it just happened!
( -) That's because it's the flu, you are literally cowering in fear of the sniffles.
( o) I wish I killed myself in 2019
( -) People are often wrong about things, but not me! I correct them for free, because I have a charitable heart!
( -) I use Arch btw
( -) I have chosen to insist my name be lower case on all academic papers going forward.
( -) I got a gf
( -) I'm a smug fathead and I vote.
( -) It's okay to be wide.
( -) Being a cynical nihilistic bunghole means never having to improve anything or reflect on your own flaws! It's a pretty sweet deal.
( -) Oh, don't get me wrong. I LARP as a Pollyanna for all the same benefits sometimes, but that's not where the circlejerk's at these days, know'msayin'?
( -) I do have the courage to hate the poor.
( -) You should speak out against your country's tyrant as readily as speak out against your country's tyrant. You may be tortured and get your family killed, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.