>>71 is an ugly aggravating unintelligent dirtball (232)

128 Name: ( ・∀・)  : 1993-09-5162 20:15

Here we go again, another fucking >>186 trying to tell me how to live my life. This babyfur_watch asshole on here, commenting on my LJ telling me that im making a big mistake by throwing away my college education just to, quote, "Roll around in crapped diapers and meddling in cheap and petty BDSM fetishes." Who the fuck does >>186 think he is saying this shit, i swear to the fuckin heavens above if i knew where >>186 was, i would come over, break my foot off in >>186's ass and slice >>186's damn throat. I have enough crap coming from >>123 and >>71 about the way im living my life, so i dont need to hear it from some fucking scumbag like >>186. There are two things >>186 does not fuck with when it comes to me, my friends and my lifestyle. >>186 screws with either one of those things and >>186 is gonna have one pissed off fox on his ass. Just becuase im a babyfur doesnt mean that i dont have a dark side, i will go medevil on >>186 if >>186 provokes me. I'm getting fuckin sick and tired of >>186 thinking that since we're babyfurs that he can push us around and redicule us and not have us fight back. Most, if not all of us babyfurs get pissed off if >>186 decides to fuck with us. >>186 may not like the fact that we are babyfurs, but >>186 will fucking respect it, that's all we ask anyways. Everyone has their fetishes, and ours just happens to be wearing and using diapers, sucking on pacifiers and bottles, wearing baby clothes and acting like baby's. We aint hurtin no one by doing this, but there are some that are making it seem that way, which is complete and udder bullshit. As far as the BDSM stuff go, so what, i wanna be owned by someone and dommed by them, big deal. Keep your fucking comments to yourself, >>186, if all they're gonna do is gonna piss off whoever your sending it to. Use common since you stupid >>186...oh wait, you dont have any!

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