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24 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5417 19:56

Hi, I am the sound engineer. I'm afraid we will have to repair our audio equipment before the next performance. I will tell jokes while we wait.

So... Well, An American, a Canadian, and a, hmm, a Brit walk into a bar. No wait, not a Canadian, got it wrong, it's a Texan. Oh yeah the first American is from California - CAnada, CAlifornia, mixed them up. I think. Anyway, so, eh... they... well, I told you they are in a bar, right? So there's the Brit and he says to the Bartender: "Hey bart--

Oh, wait, looks like we're done. Okay >>25, your turn, just make sure you don't throw the microphone then kick the amps then crush the guitar, we used our last spares!

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