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9 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-5407 05:12

Ahh... thank you, >>8. I'm sorry I'm late, but I was busy raiding the ER dispensary. Hey, my morphine habit ain't gonna support itself. Anyhoo, I needed to stop by there anyway in order to stock up on these bags of medical marijuana that I'm currently passing out to the audience. Smoke up, everybody! You all look like you have glaucoma. Do you have glaucoma? I think you have glaucoma. Take a few tokes, people. Believe me, it'll really help you to appreciate the performance of my good friend Mr. >>10, who will be joining us shortly to demonstrate his gift of playing the guitar using only his penis.

That Viagra I snagged for him should just now be taking effect, so I think we can expect him out here any time...

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