CTRL+V THREAD! [part 6] (999)

167 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6090 08:04

To go a bit more in-detail on the internet café shit

I moved to Dublin back then and my notebook didn't work, so I was without precious 2D Porn for weeks. It was a horrible time, so I decided to do something about it.
A terrible place was what awaited me - it was basically like a chinese crack house (because it was filled with WoW addicts and people cheating in CounterStrike and yelling across the rooms), smelled terribly of wet dog and whenever you looked at the screens of the people working there all they did was browse 3DPD western wimmenz (ironically the people running this crackhouse were all chinese, too).

It was terrible to be in this place and I knew it
It was even more terrible to fap in this place and I knew it

I still did it

I love you, 2D Porn.

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