CTRL+V THREAD! [part 6] (999)

486 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6232 11:10

Fairy Panties

If your panties could talk, what would they say? Let's find out, shall we!

Put on your prettiest pair of panties and get ready for a whimsical hypnosis fantasy! Become hypnotized to feel tiny (and horny) fairies who have magically taken residence inside your smooth panties. That's right, little flying fairies sprinking magic and glitter inside your panties and having fun. They love to play games, laugh for no reason, and encourage you to wear panties every day! Fairies are so good at teasing and denying. They'll arouse you and bring you to the brink of orgasm and deny you again, giggling and being cute.

When you masturbate, you'll feel the little fairy bodies in your panties (except of course, when they're playing hide and seek with you). Be sure not to crush them :-)

This unisex mp3 leans more towards pantyboys, however a couple girls have said they really liked this!

Fetishes include:
Erotic hypnosis, stiff arm induction, wearing panties, magic, fairies, magical fairy dust, fairytale fantasy, playfulness, arousal, tease and denial, games, girls giggling, subtle humiliation, silk, and post-hypnotic suggestions that will bring unexpected pleasure while you're in public.

Click the play button below to hear a sample.

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