CTRL+V THREAD! [part 6] (999)

685 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6295 22:48

Dear Internet, put the Impact font down and step away from the mspaint. Your captions are rarely funny, and more often than not, detract completely from any humour I may have found in the image you butchered. I don't much appreciate the totalitarian "THIS IS THE JOKE, DO YOU SEE" attitude that seeps from your underdeveloped brain, through your fingertips and into the F, A, I and L keys on your computer; permeating that one corner of cyberspace, relentlessly seeking praise from the lowest common denominator. This may surprise you, but I have an imagination.
Sincerely, not another 14-year-old chump. [/]

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