I think I'll stay home and open a still.
Nothing, we use nuclear power!
Oil will never run out. There will always be one more barrel, somewhere, at some price.
Be destroyed by panicked mobs.
That or I will spend the last of my days living in my own delusional worlds, slowly starving to death!
Discover what lies on the other side of death.
Await the next fuel source to become wide-spread.
I'll get coal and methane and use the Fischer-Tropsch process.
I might actually start using toothpaste to brush my teeth.
I'll find a way to power a car with STUDYSTUDYSTUDY.
I'll spend my last half hour wondering how I could use this situation to create a utopia, before being murdered by ruffians as I curse myself for being a stick figure.
get a bucket and row a nice boat to the gulf of mexico
I've read that as 'Be destroyed by pancake mobs' - which, honestly, would have been a better post.
What will you do when other people's money runs out?
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I'm going to hit emergency mittens release and write a petition to unpermasage permasaged threads.
I will act like a libertarian and blame taxation and regulation for my woes.
I, on the other hand, will act like a liberal/progressive and trust my "intuitive feelings" over more concrete things like history and facts and science.
You live in the past, baby. Trusting gut feelings over science and reason is the conservative schtick now.
What do you mean what will I do? You can't do anything without oil! I will probably just lie in bed all day, dreaming as much as possible about the internet! For all I know I could be doing that right now and when I wake up this will be reality.
What if you become so fat by that moment that your only mean of transportation will be a fat scooter?
What if the fat scooter becomes so fat that it requires a fat scooter of its own, and so on, ad infinitum?
What if scientists discover a fat scooter than runs on fat? What if will WE do when the fat runs out?
Sorry for triple posting.
Personally, I think that WWIII will break out but it'll be more like "hit that other guy with a club". After all, you need oil to make modern guns and heavy machinery that makes modern guns! (Of course no one remembers how to craft melee weapons or first firearms. Only role players might know this).
So, tolkienists would rule the world in the end.