( L_½M) I will fucking sue you for that.
I drive an enormous SUV that gets 15 MPG at best. When gas goes up 10 cents per gallon, I complain.
( L_½M) I hold huge rallies to protest imaginary problems, and ignore real ones.
( L_½M) Anything I strongly dislike is probably communism.
( L_½M) Don't piss me off I vote for whichever guy will appoint the person to pay out the contract to have your house leveled by hellfire missiles.
( L_½M) I own 10 guns for self defense.
( L_½M) If I get married, it'll be to a foreign woman. American women suck.
Everyone else in the world can suck my dick because America is #1!
( L_½M) The rest of the world needs to quit being so xenophobic.
( L_½M) I eat burgers from drive through windows everyday. Sometimes I go to Taco Bell to get something that isn't a burger.
( ˃ ˂) America! FUCK YEAH!
( L_½M) American women have internalized the philosophy that in order to have a fulfilling, happy life, one has to make damn sure that at least one other person is absolutely miserable. Itfs a sort of twisted notion of karma, where onefs happiness is contingent upon anotherfs sorrow. Such a philosophy would certainly explain a lot of contemporary female behavior.
( L_½M) I like turtles.
( L_½M) I don't need to speak your stupid language.
( L_½M) Most of our our cars aren't very good, but we keep buying them anyway. GOD DAMN JAPS!
( L_½M) I don't care what restaurant this is. I want my god damned cheeseburger!
( L_½M) I'll walk in your house with my shoes on if I feel like it, ching chong!
( L_½M) When I say "World History" I mean the history of the USA.
( L_½M) When I say "history of the USA" I mean the Revolution and World War II.