( L_½M) I will fucking sue you for that.
( L_½M) Why are aircraft engineers given science degrees, yet they fail to make seatbelts that fit? Every time I fly, someone has to find an extension for my seatbelt!
( L_½M) Why not make a seatbelt that is already long enough for people to use?
( L_½M) This thread is offensive to me as an American. I will be submitting a petition to the White House to have it removed as well as telling all ten million of my friends on Facebook about this insulting and damaging site. I won't rest until my feelings are vindicated and everyone who disagrees with me is made to suffer.
( L_½M) I'm glad that there will be a Disney park in Shanghai, China. Chinese tourists piss me off.
( L_½M) Liquid Smoke is the most patriotic condiment and my tubby hands just unloaded a bunch instead of a dash on my burger so I'll just be here tasting the Stars and Stripes forever!
( L_½M) Your infrastructure is falling apart because it's a politician's pet project from the 2010s.
( L_½M) My infrastructure is falling apart because it's a politician's pet project from the 1960s.
( L_½M) We are not the same.
( L_½M) 'Baklava'? Just call it a ski mask, fag.
( L_½M) Don't fool yourselves. We didn't forget about you guys making a holiday to celebrate terrorism in Chicago.
( L_½M) How about you eat strong dollar instead? Higher for longer, assholes!
( L_½M) I want my foreskin back!
( L_½M) Consumer protection laws? That sounds like communism!
( L_½M) I will own nothing. And I will be happy.
( L_½M) I have no idea why all these people are bashing white people cause they are white. Its bullshit and racist. Not all white people get away with shit. Sometimes white people are oppressed too! I got called a snow monkey and almost got punched for being white, thankfully I beat his ass.
( L_½M) It's not doxing, it's accountability, sweaty
( L_½M) What the hell is the point of crinkle-cutting fries if you won't fry them past "mushy British goop"?
( L_½M) I'm so happy [criminal nigger] supports trans lives!
( L_½M) I would never say that I do not want trannies and dark skinned peoples in my bathroom
( L_½M) Sports we don't win at don't matter.
( L_½M) Its not a war its just a military conflict
I can't wait for Trump to rape Biden in November so I can murder the tranny nigger on my block...
( LΦM) I didn't buy a color TV to watch niggers on it
( L_½M) We could've had Jeb and secured Haiti's oil for ourselves, just sayin.
( L_½M) I work 7 jobs. I do 120+ hours a week. I'm happy for I am a real hard-working American patriot. This is what freedom looks like. Maybe you should stop complaining and be more like me you lazy commies. Your just jealous. That's why you want to take my stuff away.
( L_½M) I don't need no socializers trying to make my life better. Trump is gonna take care of that anyway.
( L_½M) When it came out that the highjackers were from Saudi Arabia I was confused why we didnt go after Saudi Arabia
( L_½M) I think that even if they weren't from Saudi Arabia, we should nuke Saudi Arabia anyway... and all countries from 'round there for that matter...
( L_½M) Empire of Japan is the most evil regime in human history, unlike America. We would never rape and torture people.
( L_½M) my father didn't buy me a turboman this Christmas. This is literally child abuse.
( L_½M) sorry but do u know how scary it is expecting a polish blonde lady to be delivering your food to your house only for a MAN to turn up to your address with your delivery?? especially if u live alone and itfs late at night??
( L_½M) The fuck? Write to an 8th grade level you pretentious fuck.
( L_½M) No, you're dumbing it down too much. I'm gonna sue ya.
( L_½M) I just can't afford to have kids right now.
( L_½M) What? Hispanics on welfare and day labor wages have 4 kids? Careers! Parental care! Exhaustion!
( L_½M) I'm confused, are you left-wing or right-wing?
( L_½M) here in california we speak spanish as well as english, uno... dos... hola... uhh mucho gracias... uhh... tengo...
( L_½M) Why should I have to pay taxes so other peoplefs kids can go to school? Youfre literally Hitler!
( L_½M) She was 15 years old! This is literally child rape!!!
( M_½L) She was 15 years old! This is literally child rape!!!
( L_½M) My truck only takes up two lanes on the motorway, I feel so inadequate.
( L_½M) I think mustard is spicy.
( L_½M) Well, I think Tabasco is not spicy.
( L_½M) Inside you are two Americans. Neither one has taste.
( L_½M) I'm boycotting Heinz. Yeah, only French's mustard for me.
( L_½M) Bandages? Its just a big conspiracy to weaken the white race. Drinking dog cum will cure dismemberment. I saw it on YouTube.
( L_½M) ehm its call gahnoo slash leeenuks actually
( L_½M) ehm its just leeenuks actually
( L_½M) I think you mean line-ox
( L_½M) The offer to buy Canada still stands. This is not about making Redcoats pay for bearskins. This is about annoying the redhead with republicanism everywhere he goes.
( L_½M) Its not obesity. Its maximum liberty.
( L_½M) Buy my Dogecoins and Bored Apes. Huhuhuh DOGE lol.
( L_½M) It is reasonable to pay $300/mo. only to be throttled to the 90s AOL experience. Don't you know starving kids in Africa don't have Internet?
( L_½M) I proudly voted to give Elon Musk full data about every detail of my life which he can now sell to the highest bidder. DEMOCRACY!
( L_½M) Another plane crash? How could this happen?
( L_½M) Well, Mr. Pope, if you're so right about Augustine then why are you sick?
( L_½M) Time to buy a $80,000 truck on a car loan at 300% interest and max out the credit cards. Thank Jeebus Ifm not Europoor.
( L_½M) im trying to get updates on whether world war 3 is on but all im seeing are fat JD vance memes