( L_½M) I will fucking sue you for that.
( L_½M) Not only that, if a motorcycle produces less than 100 DB of noise, it is for the weak. The louder your motorcycle is, the more macho you are.
( L_½M) I do menial labor in a cubicle and I like it.
( L_½M) Obama is a Socialist Muslim Kenyan hellbent on destroying the American Way of Life
( L_½M) ...
( L_½M) Mmmmmmmm...chicken fried bacon
( L_½M) I read >>124 as "Keynesian".
( L_½M) That English fucker.
( L_½M) I prefer my anime dubbed on television.
( L_½M) Ash sure loves his jelly-filled doughnuts.
( L_½M) Somebody get this damn ID tag off me.
( L_½M) Hitler will save us from the Jews, gays, and cripples! I'm glad he's put them in concentration camps, what a hero. Now excuse me while I go light my torch and get in formation with the giant human swastika that's forming in the city square.
( L_½M) Just thinking about Hitler is a horrible hate crime, worthy of a lawsuit or ten.
( L_½M) That in mind, Quentin Tarantino's movie was totally awesome. More movies need to be about ass kicking and less about romance or drama.
( L_½M) The reason why no other country has successfully revolted is because they are not America.
( L_½M) Stop bellydancing with birds, Norway! It's inhumane!
( L_½M) If these guys opened up a restaurant I'd eat there every single day.
( L_½M) I have a relatively large penis, I'm quite happy with it.
( L_½M) I can't stop talking about penises, especially my own, which I think is relatively large.
( L_½M) My penis has only been getting larger after I started taking those medicines the nice email people recommended! Or maybe switching to a shaving mirror is to blame. Whatever, I'm huge!
( L_½M) Be da da da da da da, be da da da da da da BATMAN! BATMAN! be da da da da da da da...
( L_½M) What? The entire world doesn't use QWERTY? Crystal bastards!
( L_½M) America is the best fucking country in the world, and all you Commie rat bastards can go to hell. I'm patriotic. Have I mentioned that?
This thread is racist.
( L_½M) I deserve oil.
ITT: Cutfag Amerifats jelly of us so-called Yuropoors.
( L_½M) Obama did 9/11
( L_½M) Why would anyone use the name Rockman instead of Mega Man? He isn't made out of rocks!
( L_½M) Patents stimulate innovation.
( L_½M) American cartoons have better quality than European and Japanese ones. What do you mean the faces are inexpressive and the sceneries are bland? The only thing that matters is frame rate!
( L_½M) Every male human should have his penis circumcized.
( L_½M) Why aren't you aroused by gross women wearing unsubtle make-up? Are you gay or something?
( L_½M) I'm so glad our medicine compaines invested so much in making medicines related to Viagra. Curing cancer is boring.
( L_½M) Why does everyone hate us i don't get it
( L_½M) Everyone is jealous.
( L_½M) The louder a stereo system is, the better it is.
( L_½M) My government is worthy of trust.
( L_½M) No, I'm talking about real football, not that fag sport soccerball with those pansies prancing around in their short-shorts.
( L_½M) Don't tell me that I don't use the metric system often enough! I have plenty of 5.56mm rifle ammo, 9x19mm handgun ammo, a bottle full of 100mg Viagra pills, 2 liter bottles of Pepsi in my refrigerator, a 750cc motorcycle, and a 5.9 liter turbodiesel engine in my truck!
( L_½M) A Presbyterian active church member shot up a theater and booby-trapped his apartment with explosives? Clearly this is an attack on Christianity, and indicative of how everyone should be carrying firearms everywhere! It's just like Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said!
( L_½M) I completely trust corporations and the part of the government that blows people up. Also, it would be senseless if your political views didn't conform to a mainstream political party. My views on abortion MUST affect my views on foreign policy. MUST.
( L_½M) Abortion is baby-killing. Once you're out of the womb, though, you're on your own. Fuck no, my tax dollars won't support your penniless single illegal immigrant mother.
( L_½M) Don't tell me that we hurt the environment the most. Most of the waterways in China and India are simply gigantic open sewers and chemical waste dumps.
( L_½M) Come to where the flavor is. Come to Marlboro Country.
( L_½M) Student loans are safe.
( L_½M) It should be illegal to pay for sex, everybody should have to get the woman to consent by taking her to an expensive restaurant.
( L_½M) The terrorists are coming for my Range Rover
( L_½M) Only the happy merchants can save us from the terrorists.
( L_½M) FOX news radio! FAIR and BALANCED!
( L_½M) You're just mad because Glen Beck has the BALLS the tell the truth.
( L_½M) If you don't celebrate the 4th of July with less than 1 ton of explosives, you are a traitor.
Everythings better with bacon and vegetarians are all massive homos
( L_½M) Socialism takes at least 12 bullets to kill and heals every time you reload.
( L_½M) I hate paying taxes and call myself a tea party republican, but I still want full and comprehensive medical services, good roads, and a military strong enough to shit on ten foreign countries at a time.
( L_½M) racism is wrong, unless it's against middle eastern people.
( L_½M) White people are responsible for everything bad in this world.
( L_½M)The other states should secede from California and New York.
( L_½M) California declares a HIP HOP WAR on New York who counters with GANGSTA AIR STRIKES.
( L_½M)The politically correct people make it impossible for me to tell a joke.
( L_½M) If you speak two languages, you're bilingual. if you speak one language, you're an American. Also, we cannot into international news.
( L_½M) http://i.imgur.com/QAxf4JK.jpg
( L_½M) The accused are innocent until proven guilty, unless we don't feel like treating the accused as innocent until proven guilty.
( L_½M) Nothing is good unless you can put it on a tshirt!
( L_½M) I do not approve of the one child policy in China, but I still buy their cheap junk at Wal Mart or Target.
( L_½M) If you are white you need to have to have more children. If you are not, stop multiplying like rabbits.
My captcha was lumness. I feel like that means something.
( L_½M) Some artfag tricked me into seeing "Magnum opus"
What a load of bullshit! The name Magnum has to describe bullets or condoms.
( L_½M) I am going to watch a Dirty Harry movie, just to get that stupid movie out of my mind. A 44 Magnum is the best kind of Magnum.
( L_½M) People shouldn't be allowed to choose when they die, they should spend their remaining days on life support machines until the Good Lord decides to take them home.
( L_½M)I want it NOW.
( L_½M) I'm an unemployed lawyer with 200K in student loan debt. Still, better than being a dirty blue-collar worker who can afford to eat something other than cat food!
( L_½M) That fat bitch Michelle Obama expects me to eat health food and lose weight! Why don't you tell me that after you eat all that disgusting health food, and you lose some fucking weight you obese hypocritical whore!
( L_½M) I went to Colorado to smoke some weed, but I got stuck in the damned door.
( L_½M) We invented apple pie, don't let anybody fool you. Also, if you visit you and don't eat apple pie, you are a terrorist.
( L_½M) America is the best country in the world at everything! Go buckeyes!
( L_½M) I'm going to eat hamburger and then crash a muscle car at next bend.
( L_½M) frrrrrrrrrrrrrap
( L_½M) Duke Nukem is a cool character.
( L_½M) Count calories? No way. Since I am not in school, I am not doing any math.
( L_½M) I'm so sick of feminists and gay rights activists blaming me for being cruel to them. I am also sick of them blaming followers of Jesus. Go ahead and be yourself, just don't expect me to sponsor you! If you really want to make the world a better place, go to one of those strict Muslim countries. They are the ones that are unfair to women and gays.
( L_½M) Using an automatic rifle and laser to hunt deer is unfair. That is why I have a Barrett sniper rifle with a night scope that can spot a fly from 1000 yards away.
( L_½M) I almost died of heart attack because of my ample body fat, but doctors saved me. So, I owe them all my money.
( L_½M) I can conflate gveganh and gvegetarianh as much as I like, thank you very much.
( L_½M) I'm vegetarian myself, you see. Except fish. And turkey on Thanksgiving. And steak.
( L_½M) I have a stash of gold and silver because Ron Paul said that's better than having money in a bank.
( L_½M) 50. Fat. Diabetic. Ahead of me... on his car that is smaller than mine.
( L_½M) Thanks for putting a Starbucks across from the Starbucks! Having to cross more than one street is annoying.
( L_½M) I tried that Alli drug that's supposed to help you lose weight, but it just made me have to shit all the time. How am I supposed to lose weight if I'm shitting out all my nutrition?! What a SCAM!! I'll sue...
( L_½M) I wholly support the Second Amendment.
( L_½M) Militia? That sounds like some terr'ist thing.
( L_½M) We need a vastly expensive military that invades foreign countries for our defense. Cutting military funding is not an option, even if the country is in debt.
( L_½M) Big Pharma's cures work much better than that crap the people call "Holistic medicine."
( L_½M) I'm from Connecticut. What, don't you foreigners know everything about US geography?
( L_½M) I want a hamburger, EXTRA LARGE EXTRA SAUCE.
( L_½M) What do you mean, you only serve gay noodle dishes here?
( L_½M) Can I get directions to the nearest McDonalds?
( L_½M) We need to bomb them, for DEMOCRACY. So what if they're dead, as long as they've got DEMOCRACY.
( L_½M) I ate a salad once because I was told it was good for me. I felt miserable eating it, and afterwards I felt shitty, as well. How can it be good for me if it makes me feel like crap?
( L_½M) Everytime I go on vacation outside America, i just can't believe how un-American all the non-Americans are. I try telling them the proper way to live and think, but they won't listen! It's an outrage!
( L_½M) Anime is gay faggot shit for gays, but the word is sort of similar to "America" in terms of spelling, so I support it.
( L_½M) Being loud is the same thing as being right... USA! USA! USA!
( L_½M) School uniforms? Only for annoying snobby private schools and Asians!
( L_½M) I'm dead tired after work, so I get something from a drive thru window. Now that fucking warthog of a hypocrite, Michelle Obama intends to make everyone spend an hour a day cooking something. You think you know everything about life, but you get vacations and a staff that cooks and cleans for you. Stupid fucking cunt.
( L_½M) I thought of going to China to marry a wonderful woman. Then, I saw this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_G4S8Kws8o
They became as annoying as American women!