[Contentful] ITT we write down our dreams. [Serialization] [Thoughts] (619)

305 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8993 16:42

I was studying abroad in Australia. But instead of it being a solid land mass (like the continent actually is), it was a bunch of tiny islands next to each other. My gdorm roomh was a tiny islands and I had to drive a boat to get anywhere. The island was only as big as the dorm room itself.

I capsized my boat because of turning too quickly. I tried to flip it over, which caused it to sink. It was close enough to my island that I was able to swim back to it. But when people I knew heard about it, they got upset and wanted to dive into the ocean to retrieve the boat. So we put on diver gear and went underwater, which was very scary for me.

There was a huge school of fish that looked like a combination of fish and octopi. The boat was somewhere nearby but I was too freaked out by being in the ocean with lots of fish and also not knowing what was in the rest of the water that I couldnft see. Then a big shark came by. I donft remember if it attacked anyone or not but I wanted to get a harpoon for safety. I did indeed get a harpoon but then the shark bit and bent the harpoon, making it useless. It was about this time that I started to regret living in an area without solid land.

I am not going to be studying abroad in Australia, but I will be going to another country soon. Maybe this is a reflection of my subconscious dread about the trip. It will be fun but it will also be intensely different from my current country and it might be stressful to get used to it.

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