[Contentful] ITT we write down our dreams. [Serialization] [Thoughts] (619)

367 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9101 20:21

ELAINE and KRAMER appear on an abandoned ship. The ship is slightly
tilted. Through a port window, we can see the ship is partially
surrounded by ice. ELAINE is carrying two phone books.

ELAINE: That's the last of them. Can we go now?

KRAMER: Yeah. Yeah, sure. But you did pick up my phone book, right?

ELAINE: No, these are mine. Kramer! Did you lose your phone book

KRAMER: [Sputters] Maybe. Yeah. Definitely.

ELAINE: Oh, fine. Show me where you put it down.

KRAMER leads ELAINE down a corridor and pauses at the doorway to a
room. The room is wider than can be seen, and there is light from
what must be an open window on the left. A clutter of shelves fills
the right of the room (the tilt of the ship has caused them to
collect). A tattered phone book can be seen on the shelves.

KRAMER: [Pointing, distraught] It's over there.

ELAINE: And you want me to go get it?

KRAMER: [Sputters] Yeah.

ELAINE: Why can't you go get it? What's in the room?

KRAMER: [Pointing to the shelves in turn, clearly avoiding the left
of the room] There's the sink, and there's the phone book, and
there's a bed.

ELAINE: Enough. What's on the left side of the room?

KRAMER reluctantly steps back, revealing that just inside the room,
to the left of the doorway, is a short, humanoid-shaped figure
covered in black cloth.

KRAMER: This is Ms. [rapid Japanese]. She's Mr. S[unintelligible]'s
niece. He killed her, you know.

ELAINE: You're afraid of a dead woman.

KRAMER: Y-y-y-yeah.

ELAINE: All right. What killed it? [referring to the phone book]

KRAMER: Ms. [rapid Japanese]. She's Mr. S[unintelligible]'s niece.
He killed her, you know.

ELAINE: Yeah, I've got that. So you just want me to walk in, take
the phone book, turn around, and walk back out?

KRAMER: Y-y-y-yeah.

ELAINE: Uh-uh. I'm going in through the window.

ELAINE and KRAMER are now outside, on the deck of the ship. Much
of it is covered in snow and ice. The window to the room is on their
right. On the left is the edge of the ship. Beyond is a snow/ice
wall, with a small patch of water between.

ELAINE: I'm going to check out the fish.

ELAINE casts Polymorph Self. She becomes an octopus-like creature
and dives into the water. After a few minutes, she remerges.

ELAINE: Kramer! [Shoves him] Those fish are big! I was one of Mr.
S[unintelligible]'s tomato plants, and I was five feet in diameter,
and I got this! [She shows him a bite mark.]

KRAMER: Well. Huh. Do you want me to cast Cure Light Wounds?

ELAINE: It wasn't Ms. Nishi-whatever who killed it [the phone book].
She's been dead for centuries! It was a fish!

KRAMER: [Nervously] Well. What do you know about that.

ELAINE: And you knew!

KRAMER: [Sputters] Maybe.

ELAINE: Start talking. If you want me to get that phone book for
you, I need to know everything. Including why those fish have five
hit dice, and why you tried to blame it on Ms. Nishi-whatever.

KRAMER: Uhh...

[Dream ends]

I wrote this down as quickly as I could, but by the end, some parts were fading.

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