[Contentful] ITT we write down our dreams. [Serialization] [Thoughts] (619)

370 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9108 19:36

I was in a Twilight Zone-esque horror movie called "You can't forget me" (I spent a lot of the dream trying to figure out how the title related to the plot). I played a travelling salesman who arrived at an isolated town, mostly surrounded by a forest. Everyone was warned not to go outside the town limits after nightfall. On the first night, a few people vanished, but nobody wanted to talk about it.

On the second night, I overheard a group of children arguing about whether they should go outside or not. For some reason, I was supposed to keep the worrying child safe, but she said she had to follow her reckless friends and try to protect them. We followed, then watched as larger, more adult versions of the children silently walked out of the woods. The children panicked and ran, but one by one they were caught and eaten (perhaps "inhaled" is a better term). We weren't able to do anything to save them. When we saw the adult version of the child I was supposed to protect coming for us, we bolted, with the replacements casually following us.

Inside the town, everyone had gathered together in the town square, with torches. They seemed to know about the threat, but had no real defence strategy. Older versions of everyone (not just the children) started appearing. At this point, I realized a few things were wrong with the movie, so I stopped paying attention for a while while the townspeople were assaulted by their doppelgangers, and instead I pondered what was "supposed" to happen. I'll get to that later.

Anyway, a bunch of people got eaten and we ended up preparing to climb on top of the tallest building and wait out the night. But as I was trying to find people to escape with, I kept finding the older duplicates instead. At this point, everyone was sort of milling around the town, either running from their older self, trying to hide from the doppelgangers in general, or trying to find each other. I think I ended up finding two or three non-replaced people. As we were pulling up the ladder, a background townsperson ran up, screaming "You can't forget me!". But he had attracted the mob, and we watched in horror as he was devoured by a hunched, gray-haired version of himself with a cane.

Anyway, the things that I recognized as being wrong with this movie:

1) The casting choices were extremely odd. Specifically, all the children were played by 2hus. So young, EoSD Marisa was eaten/replaced by sexy, busty fanart Marisa, and we had to spend the rest of the movie running from her.

2) I, clearly, wasn't supposed to be the star. This was obviously supposed to be about a child's fear of growing up, and of finally becoming old and feeble. My character felt shoehorned in.

3) The dopplegangers didn't know what they were supposed to be doing. As children's nightmares, they were perfect. They ate their targets and moved on to interact with the adults. But as an adult, I saw the second half of that. They sort of just walked into town and stood around. Sometimes they tried to act menacingly, sometimes they just looked smugly at people (but that might have been because some of them were played by 2hus), sometimes they tried to blend in and fully replace their target. At one point, I grabbed one and broke its neck. Nobody, not even the townspeople, knew how to react; they all just stared at each other, waiting for a cue.

4)I'm pretty sure "Don't forget me" was supposed to mean that a child's replacement had forgotten that child's friends. At the end of the movie, only one child would be left, completely alone, and they might decide that it's finally time to grow up. But all the children died halfway through, so that couldn't happen. It's as if the director threw up his hands and said "Fine, just have somebody say the title or something".

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