[Contentful] ITT we write down our dreams. [Serialization] [Thoughts] (619)

423 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9282 20:37

I had another dream where me and a partner had to raid a yacht like some drug bust. The targets were of Hispanic descent. I had a double barreled shotgun and my partner had some sort of pistol. We enter, and I shoot my 2 shots and I miss, and I yell "I'm out!" I couldn't find where my shells were and my partner couldn't take them on by himself. I got captured, and bound. They are holding a poisonous snack right up to my face while laughing at me, brush some sort of liquid on my wrist that makes the snake think there is food on that spot, and it bites me.

I wake up with some sort of disease, and I realize that I am "now" Hispanic (I'm Hispanic in real life). I get a bearing on my surroundings, and my initial thought is that it's Africa due to the rundown nature of the scenery but everyone was still Hispanic (so, out of dream, maybe it could be like a bad area of South America I guess). I get friendly with the locals, and things head in a direction where I have to leave, and everyone gets sad sending me farewell gifts and medicine that I had a hunch would not work.

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