[Contentful] ITT we write down our dreams. [Serialization] [Thoughts] (619)

428 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9284 15:08

I think I'm just going to make this thread into a continuation my dream journal. By the way, if you take a daily multi-vitamin right before bed, you will have a greater chance of remembering your dreams!! I never go to sleep without taking one.

This dream seemed quite choppy. There were multiple parts that all seemed unrelated. The first part was a sort of school trip to a very large police station. Oddly enough, I do not believe I recognized anyone, which is rare for me. Also, I'm way out of school. Anyway, we went up these stairs, and there were glass sliding doors to the left and right of us but the right side appeared like it was not open to the public. It had chairs and potted plants lined up across the pathway to block entry. However there was a space so I walked through, and the rest of my group followed. There wasn't much going on, just a lot of closed doors that were larger than normal and one of those meetings rooms than you can see from the outside that was empty.

Next, I was in a building that is most easily described as a mall, but there were no open stores. It had been turned into a pokemon battle arena. I was Slowking (I don't even like that pokemon), and the bottom floor had been flooded with water. The water level was right up to the walkway of the second floor. Wobbuffet camped in the water and kept using Water Gun at me but kept missing because I kept running away. Eventually he ran out of uses so I chased him and kept using tackle until it fainted. It disappeared. I go to the second floor where the final opponent is, and he is trapped between me, and the edge of the battlefield which was a very high drop into the city street, much higher than a regular second floor. I say "Nothin personnel, kid..." and push him off.

At this point, I find myself on some sort of coast, walking deeper onto the water (not into). I guess it takes a lot of energy because I faint and I can see the side of myself. I dream-wake up and a group of scientists surgically installed gills on me and everyone else that was now with me. We were still under water. End.

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