[Contentful] ITT we write down our dreams. [Serialization] [Thoughts] (619)

549 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10325 12:50

Dream with a few segments Dec. 7th 2021
1: home Depot parking lot had some kind of deal outside for their canopies. Got dropped off and used a wheelchair. Two random people approached me out of the crowd, woman and a man, who tagged along for some reason.
2. Instead of going inside it transitions to me as a small sail ship, woman remains the same and dude is a kid. I had some kind work deal set up with her but apparently I was always cheating her out of chicken strips at dinner as the kid pointed out to her she for a little mad before scene change.
3: I get back into the wheelchair but it's electric. The ship stops on an island, I do some kind of race in the wheelchair that ends with me parachuting into some party on the island.
4. The descent seems to slow down and I land in front of these two underage looking girls in skimpy party clothes. The redhead said "Oh my God that's how we met?" While smiling at me before looking somewhere else into the party. Nobody else seems to be looking in my direction. I felt a bit disappointed because they clearly look underage and I don't want to be seen giving my contact information to them. I turn to talk to the blond but she doesn't seem to say anything. I somehow get a website url (forgot the name but one popped into my head) that has a dirt bike island theme. The blond is posting there and three of them are pictures of her pussy with a soda can up there, one with a clit close-up. One of them was titled "My Pit". Then look away from the site and I was talking to the blonde and I woke up.

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