[Contentful] ITT we write down our dreams. [Serialization] [Thoughts] (619)

554 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10452 17:55

I dreamt that someone answered my questions. The answers implied that "LazyTown" originally aired in the 1980s (or maybe, but less likely, the early 1990s). He described it as a musical "drepanation" [with a girl who has pink hair]. "Drepanation" is not a word, yet?

https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=g8iZ0HlzgUc [LazyTown BING BANG multilingual Lazy Town TV series - HD (1280x720)] - my favorite version is the English version (for obvious reasons) and the German version. How about you? Maybe if there was a Japanese version I would like it, but maybe I wouldn't.

Bing bang digabriga dong.

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