[Contentful] ITT we write down our dreams. [Serialization] [Thoughts] (619)

572 Name: ( ゚ ヮ゚) : 1993-09-10685 20:25

Had a dream a couple nights ago about browsing DQN.
In it, a "scientist" had posted to a thread (the topic of which was entirely unrelated to his post) about having run an AI analysis on all textboard posters. His analysis had determined that 1. /prog/ posters are the least VIP 2. Rubik's cubes are incredibly VIP 3. the VIPPEST variant of a Rubik's cube is a 1x1 cube (which is to say, a normal plain cube) with Daddy Cool printed on one of the sides. How does one solve such a cube? Apparently through philosophical contemplation.
I'd be tempted to convert the dream-post into a real post, but I doubt I'd be able to make it as scientifically convincing as the dream post was (it had statistics!).

Also had another dream where I had stolen one of those drivable toy cars toddlers have and was driving around the neighborhood (the layout of the neighborhood conforming with the standard dream-layout of the area, and not the real life layout. Really wonder why certain dream versions of places are so consistent in my dreams). During my epic toddler drive, I ran into my 3rd grade teacher, who questioned my life choices. I then turned down a park path where I ran into a girl "I knew" (which is to say, a fictional dream agglomeration of multiple different people) who I chatted with for a bit. It turned out that she was on her way to meet up with some other girl "I know" (yet another agglomeration of multiple different people), this one cute. We ran into the cute girl, who then immediately confessed her love to me (and gave me a hug!) because I had allegedly described her as a midget hobbit(?) at some point in the past. I then drove the cute girl home in my epic toddler ride.
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