[Contentful] ITT we write down our dreams. [Serialization] [Thoughts] (619)

588 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10998 13:58

Dreamt that some new card game and/or video game had become popular worldwide and that the main in-game currency was some sort of African berry.
I then went outside to find thousands of pitch-black giganigger sub-Saharan blackest-possible African laborers lining every single street, picking berries off of African berry trees that had now replaced every single normal tree. The berry industry was so lucrative that every tree by the street and in public parks had been replaced with berry trees so that the Africans could make money by selling the berries to people playing the game, as well as use them in the game themselves (the card/video game was just as popular with primitive African tribes), a sort of insane bleeding-into-real-life version of the Runescape economy.
One of the pitch-black African laborers started giving me a lecture on how the trees are a symbol of colonialism because this distinctly African tree had been brought to the West to make hw*te pipo money because of a card game. A white supervisor monitoring the laborers told me that the berries are completely inedible and useless. This was all happening right on the side of a road, these trees had formerly been ornamental trees. I then noticed that one of the berry trees had a different fruit tree branch grafted on. The African berries sort of looked like deep reddish-purple cranberries, this other fruit was bright magenta, the size of a horse chestnut, and covered in long, thick, soft spikes sort of visually resembling durian spikes (but longer and very soft). The white supervisor told me that the fruit was edible and eaten in Spain, while the pitch-black Africans insisted that it's inedible and that they have plenty in Africa and that they never eat it. Dream me was somehow already aware of its edibility, so I took a bite and it was good, but unfortunately filled with worms so I threw it on the ground.
Then I woke up.

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