[Contentful] ITT we write down our dreams. [Serialization] [Thoughts] (619)

1 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6700 20:39

In the beginning I am running in the forest naked as fast as I can, as if I'm escaping from something. I encounter big swarms of aggressive bees recklessly stinging me on the road but it doesn't stop me. Then I get to a branch and realize that all but one of the stings were actually nails. Strangely, those nails are actually reversed, pointing up with the head inside my skin.
Suddenly, an empty cinema room. I'm standing there, examining the only one of those stings that isn't a nail, and vomitting on it in order to neutralize the poison. The nails are expulsed out of my skin, the scars and the vomit disappear, I take a seat, and people start getting inside the room.
The film starts, and I know even before its beginning it's a sequel to a show I really like (Kaamelott). But that film is fucking terrible, and the only scene I remember is some guy running ejecting nails out of his skin.
Suddenly, I'm in a medieval Europe-styled market next to the forest and a railroad. Someone is with me and goes on the railroad. I tell that person what ey's doing is dangerous and ey comes back. I look at an arcade game in the market and decide to play it. The screen shows a cylindric tower slightly to the left in front of a blue sky with a few clouds, and there are ghosts with their tongues out represented exactly by the same sprite as in the Touhou games for PC-98.
And then I wake up.

617 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11498 10:34

Had a dream that a tiny birthmark on my chest under my left nipple had developed a small hole. I decided to push on the skin around it, and a proper, fully developed extra nipple popped out of the hole. Then I forced in back into the hole and went back to doing normal things around my house. Later in that same dream I check my chest again, but this time the small hole is on the areola of my left nipple. I press on it and a small skin tag emerges instead of an extra nipple, which I again push back in. I already have an annoying small skin tag on that areola and I don't want a second, so I commit to going to a dermatologist to get rid of it. Later in the dream I check my nipple again, the hole is still on my left nipple, but this time I push out a long, wobbly, black skin tag that I can't push back into the tiny pinhole. I put my shirt back on, then take it off again and now the skin tag is back in the hole again. I continue on with my day.
Past this point the dream transitions into some cool adventure that I remember none of, and later on again into a high school dream wherein I was back in high school but the top few floors of the school were an airship and the school had cool flower-covered balconies and also an internal smaller airship in the bigger airship and also I was sharing liquor with the vice-principals. At one point I get arrested for drinking beer in class. There was some narrative to it that I remember none of.

618 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11515 04:47

Had an extremely internet-influenced dream the other night.

Me and another user from here (you already know who you are!) were somehow transported into the "tanasinn mind chamber," taking the form of a translucent white cube floating over the ocean. The chamber was populated by a group of mathematicians working on discovering dynamic systems meeting certain criteria, and they were directly manipulating abstract objects floating in the chamber through wild gesticulations and incoherent screeching. We could all fly inside the cube. I had a very nice but totally nonsensical conversation with a mathematician who looked like a cross between the happy merchant and John Baez. At some point along the way, the chamber's base transformed and expanded into a translucent, white version of a Bush-era US government office. At this moment I realized that I had a keyboard-like device on me that, if plugged into one of the computers next to its keyboard, would allow that computer to communicate with the "real world," which happened to be the Homestuck universe. This is because the Bush administration had established communications with the Homestuck world as part of 9/11. Upon plugging the device in, the computer displayed medical info on various Homestuck characters. With a few presses of the very chocolate-bar-shaped buttons on the device, John Egbert and Jade Harley were now cured of syphilis.

I woke up shortly after, then went back to sleep for another 10 hours during which I had some less insane dreams that I no longer remember (though at least one of them involved bullying a fat egirl for having saggy tits, which is possibly more insane).

619 Name: 4ur4ur : 1993-09-11515 17:13

That was no dream. Now John is freed from the permanent consequences of a momentary lapse in reason.
Thanks to you.

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