[Contentful] ITT we write down our dreams. [Serialization] [Thoughts] (619)

68 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8059 17:47

I knew keeping a dream jounal would help me shitpost one day

I am in my highschool's indoor fieldhouse, It's surrounded by a hallway on three sides, and the hallway has no entrances or exits, except those leading into the fieldhouse. There is some sort of dance going on, and everyone is dressed nice. I'm with a friend but quickly lose him. There is an announcement for a "pink dance" and everyone is in a conga line and suddenly in tight, pink 80's clothes. I'm walking the opposite direction that the congaline is going, look around, and notice that we're surrounded by ocean. I look over the edge at the platform we're on and see lots of thick cords and wires, the more I look the telephone and computer stuff I see. I start walking around, and one time I pass a pissed off janitor pulls a bundle of wire out of the ocean and says [piece of equipement] my ass!

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