[TRIPFAGS] ESpeoN/nPA appreciation thread [ڤ( l ‿ l ),T] (134)

85 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6730 15:55

I would like to make this perfectly clear: the "Don't post in this thread again" section of my post was directed towards everyone apart from >>1 and Espeon, including me. After that I had absolutely no intention of replying again. The purpose of this instruction was to allow for what I had recommended to take place; the two of you exchange email addresses or continue to talk using sage.

The reason I didn't adhere to my own advice was because >>58 made it obvious that, for whatever reason, he wasn't willing to cooperate, rendering the entire endeavour meaningless. In my next post I thought I made it clear that I had taken back what I said, but evidently I was not clear enough.

On another note, >>74 was not me. Whilst the spelling/grammatical errors are annoying, it wasn't particularly relevant so I didn't point it out. As it happens, English is not my first language either, it's Hungarian.

Frankly, I'm sick of dealing with both of you. You are beyond help. I proposed several solutions, I tried to be reasonable and respectful, but to no avail. I suppose I shall have to take the same attitude as >>82, but you know exactly how I and everybody else feels about the two of you.

I am not going to post in this thread again for any reason.

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