In this thread, we discuss our favorite /dqn/ tripfriend.
I would like to make this perfectly clear: the "Don't post in this thread again" section of my post was directed towards everyone apart from >>1 and Espeon, including me. After that I had absolutely no intention of replying again. The purpose of this instruction was to allow for what I had recommended to take place; the two of you exchange email addresses or continue to talk using sage.
The reason I didn't adhere to my own advice was because >>58 made it obvious that, for whatever reason, he wasn't willing to cooperate, rendering the entire endeavour meaningless. In my next post I thought I made it clear that I had taken back what I said, but evidently I was not clear enough.
On another note, >>74 was not me. Whilst the spelling/grammatical errors are annoying, it wasn't particularly relevant so I didn't point it out. As it happens, English is not my first language either, it's Hungarian.
Frankly, I'm sick of dealing with both of you. You are beyond help. I proposed several solutions, I tried to be reasonable and respectful, but to no avail. I suppose I shall have to take the same attitude as >>82, but you know exactly how I and everybody else feels about the two of you.
I am not going to post in this thread again for any reason.
Stop vilifying me and well get along for sure. I'm not evil, you know. More than that I'm supposed to be cute.
Participants of this thread will receive their dismissal notices within the next few business days.
Last night I had a really good dream about Espeon. We were all out on a field trip back in elementary school. I can't remember anything past the fireworks but I know it was a really good dream.
>giving the trolls the responses they want
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Are you on AOL? I can tell by the way you make up quotes and by your confusion about year in general.
It's always 1993, by the way.
"Ur Gay" -- Playgirl, 1936
What is it like to toy with a pokeman?
>>100 GET!
ttp:// wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Is Espeon really a woman?
Espeon was the manliest man I've ever met.
What is a man?
Something with muscles, discipline, courage, and a penis!
Te hee hee. I love how we pretend Espeon is not a girl.
I've seen !ESpeoN/nPA playing Gikopoi as Giko.
I saw Espeon playing as a Shii when I played with her. A Shii with a little pink guitar. She showed me how to access the admin bar.
I feel bad for not watch Espeon's Skyrim stream. She deserves a better man than me.
It hasn't. If anyone who didn't appreciate ESpeoN/nPA kept themselves out of this thread like anyone smart and/or educated about netiquette would do, it'd be a sweet and enjoyable thread.
With all due respect, but you have a very large ego. And don't talk to me about netiquette, because it's blatantly obvious you know nothing of it.
No, I don't. It's relatively funny to see people imagining a non-existent giant ego of mine and acting mean because of this.
And no, I know netiquette, but because of you punk kids on the internet I have no reason to apply it anymore. I've had enough.
I didn't particularly mean you, >>113, but rather those who represent legacy of AOL.
I'm not being mean, and I apologize if I'm being rude, it's not my intention. But some of your posts do make me feel as if you were trying to draw attention to you, rather than the contents of your post. If I am wrong, then I apologize.
As for netiquette, does it really apply to places such as these?
this is a one way trip to hell. the bus has no breaks, over
e-whore every day
where has he gone?
| \
|Д`) No one is here.
|⊂ I can appreciate ESpeoN/nPA now !
♪ ☆
♪ / \ ESPE ON
ヽ(´Д`;)ノ ESPE ON
く ON
♪ ☆
ヽ(;´Д`)ノ ESPE ON
> ON
I wonder if I still remember my tripcode... Time sure flies and wipes the memory. Time is evil. I'm not evil.
Come back, Espeon! We missed you!
what if I never appreciated Espeon? Never once even cared?
What if I accidentally ran you over on my way to work and didn't even check my rearview mirror after the fact?
Just wondering if I still remember my trip...
I'll try to tripfag in my peaceful corner
Nevermind, forgetting a sage is worse than forgetting a trip