[Misery] ( ß -ß) Post unhappy things... [Part 3] (826)

487 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8030 04:59

( ß -ß) Spending $15 to purchase a device that does X and, when it breaks down after a decade of hard use, finding out that it is no longer manufactured, and that the cheapest device that does X nowadays costs $95 because it also does Y, Z, and W, none of which I want or will ever use.

( ß -ß) Finding out that the cheapest device that does X as well as my old device costs more like $200.

( ß -ß) Finding out that those devices have a battery life half as long as I am accustomed to because they also do Y', Z', and W', none of which I want or will ever use.

( ß -ß) Finding out that used copies of my old device are entirely in the hands of scalpers, who now price them at $95.

( ß -ß) Trying to teach myself how to solder.

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