[Misery] ( ß -ß) Post unhappy things... [Part 3] (826)

545 Name: !ESpeoN/nPA : 1993-09-8125 20:04

( ß -ß) Plenty of petty drama is going on, but then you notice your favourite number approach. You start planning. You dig around for that cute little piece of SJIS. It is still on your hard drive. You think of something cool to post along. Then you wait. F5 F5 F5.

( ß -ß) Zero hour, post counter is at 195! You write the post, give it a second glance, punch in the captcha. You click "More options...", set the formatting to "Text Art"... "Reply".

You have crossed the Rubicon.

( ß -ß) But the "name" field is empty. You forgot your tripcode. The number becomes meaningless. Your browser reloads the page. A chill goes down your spine. Your SJIS "graphic" is all broken. You open one browser, another... It is not a font problem.

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