[Misery] ( ß -ß) Post unhappy things... [Part 3] (821)

626 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8919 04:38

( ß -ß) didn't go to the right school because my awful parents hid my acceptance letter at a critical time, and at the time their awful parenting made it so I wouldn't fight that
( ß -ß) 9 years bouncing around schools because i didn't go to the right one so I was so depressed I didn't get good grades and my prospects of transferring were bad because of that
( ß -ß) didn't get any scholarships i applied to
( ß -ß) three straight fucken years of job hunting as of now
( ß -ß) old friends getting along with their lives or are toxic people not worth staying in touch with, not that i made many anyway
( ß -ß) the only thing keeping me alive is vidya

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