[Misery] ( ß -ß) Post unhappy things... [Part 3] (821)

627 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8919 06:27

( ß -ß) i did the things people said was the right things to do
( ß -ß) all that got me was a shitload of knowledge i can't use, living at my parents' and complaining at every group of internet strangers i can think of
( ß -ß) i haven't been on a date in 13 years
( ß -ß) i'm years and years behind where i should be
( ß -ß) all that whiz-kid shit "you can play 3 instruments and speak 6 languages and you're going into computers and people you talk to like you" stops being cute around age 15 or so, by age 30 that's kind of pathetic because you haven't really gat gud at anything
( ß -ß) people have been "praying for me" this whole time. if this is god's idea of helping me out, there must've been some serious cosmic shit headed my way
( ß -ß) if any of you guys are headed towards a life like mine, i wouldn't even be able to tell you how to stop it
( ß -ß) don't wish me well, i guess, that shit doesn't seem to be working anyway. go feed a cat or something.

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