[LE] Official shiptoasting thread [>GREEN] (243)

21 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6871 17:46

guys, listen
this is very important
i need you to call this idiot from my school and harrass him for the next twelve hours straight
rickroll him, speak in foreign or madeup languages, make death threats, ask him about the dog he fucked back in middle school ... sky's the limit
his number is (503) 224-4181
if you also want to piss off his parents, send black faxes or goatse images to (503) 460-8100
pizza and police cars can be ordered to 9109 NE Cascades Parkway in Portland
im counting on you guys, srsly that guy is a complete and utter douchebag and deserves the worst you can think of

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